New things ahead!

Hint: Podcast 🙌

Hi! If you are here, you must have an idea about who we are at Via - welcome! Well, I’m Kelly, and maybe you saw my pic on the previous page! Being a therapist has been an amazing journey for me, and sometimes I can’t even sleep at night because I am thinking about ways to get the word out about how amazing therapy is! And maybe not “therapy” like lying on the couch sharing all your feelings sense, but the journey to healing. THIS is really what I love thinking and talking about. So, as a way of flexing my creative muscle and sharing some tips and tricks, I have decided to start a blog…and soon to be podcast! The idea is taking things that I see in the world, (mostly pop culture because I'm unhealthily obsessed with it), and tie those into themes I’ve learned about mental health and healing. I hope you enjoy the ride and can get your dose of healing through Pop Diagnostics!


Revenge Travel and its Ugly Hangover