Revenge Travel and its Ugly Hangover

So, the time has come where we must face the inevitable hangover - not quite the “normal” hangover, but the one that comes from Revenge Travel. What’s “revenge travel” you might ask? Well, let me tell you. You know the pandemic? It really annoyed us and put a huge damper on our lives, so once we were allowed to “get back to normal”…we did! But we went hard core. Since April, my family and I have traveled out of state seven different times. No, we are not that family that can afford this or really even has time for it, and because of this, I am now experiencing the Revenge Travel Hangover. Ugh, my eyes are a little more puffy, my pants are a little tighter, the laundry is still not done, and my bank account has me in a constant anxious state. There’s no way I can be alone in this, right?

The pandemic has been such a unique journey as a human and as a therapist. First, we were totally freaked out, then we did everything from home and all became introverts. Then, we ventured out and were way overwhelmed by having to be social again. Then we were like screw it, let’s goooooo! Now, I’m hungover and nursing myself back to normal. If I remind myself, one day at a time, and focus on what is right in front of me, I will feel settled again. I’ve realized I will get more sleep, my pants will fit again, the laundry will get done, and work will still be there. So, my advice to you all is - get back to what makes you feel grounded and stable. Get back on the schedule, get good rest, some exercise, and maybe have some chill nights watching some Netflix, and the hangover will subside…until of course, it’s time to travel again :/


Death by “I don’t know” 


New things ahead!